Feel the Vision and Mission of Chuck Eke.

Author / Filmmaker / Publisher / Writer

His Vision is to lead a creative God-driven, purposeful, and transformative life that positively impacts people in family, community, and the global village.


His mission is to utilize his time, talents, and treasure in the pursuit of his vision, in ways that allow others to benefit from his God-given gifts. This endeavor aids them in leading more satisfying lives, while simultaneously creating wealth and health for the stakeholders in his life and work. When the final bell tolls, marking his transition into eternity, he aims to have left a worthwhile legacy - a grace-filled baton. This legacy will be impressive and inspiring enough for his offspring, his surviving peers, the next generation of leaders after him, and the world at large to grasp and continue from where he ceased. In this mission, he seeks the help of the Lord God, Father Almighty.


Biography of Chukwudi Chuck Eke

Chukwudi Chuck Eke is a Nigerian-American citizen based in the U.S with his family. Aboriginally, he hails from Aboh, a riverine community in the ancient Aboh Kingdom of Mid-Western Nigeria, part of which is now called Delta state. At birth, his parents named him Omordi Chukwudi. Omordi means “Prince” in Aboh dialect while Chukwudi means “God is alive.” Interestingly, once Chukwudi switched career and got into the literary and film industry, he gave himself the penname “Chuck.” Coincidentally, his father’s first name is Charles or Chuck. 

Chuck Eke is a man of many parts. He is a published writer, a seasoned administrator, a scriptwriter, film producer, movie director, an actor, a songwriter, a publisher, motivational speaker, and quite flexible/adaptable in learning new skills and developing fresh talents. In brief:

Chukwudi Chuck Eke

The Author

Chuck Eke is also a biographer of a sort. Given his background and interest in political history, government, psychology, sociology, and related fields, Chukwudi also takes interest in writing biographies. Among other works, he is the author of a book published in Nigeria with the title The Legacy of Atiku Abubakar on Nation-Building: Atikulations on Jobs Creation, Restructuring, Industrialization and Economic Development.

In October 2021, Chukwudi Chuck Eke wrote a book on entrepreneurship published by Christian Faith Publishing. The title of this faith-driven book is From Revelation to Revolution: IClouds of Witnesses for Developing and Driving Your Mind to Career and Business Success. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online bookstores.

The Filmmaker

Chukwudi Chuck Eke
The Filmmaker

Chukwudi Chuck Eke is not only a published author, but also a film producer, a movie director, and an actor. Interestingly, Chuck developed the theme and wrote the Script of his latest film from the 18th Chapter of his October 2021 book on Entrepreneurship.

The title of the 18th Chapter of the Book is “Living Your Purposeful Dream No Matter the Odds.” Invariably, the title of the film developed from his 2021 entrepreneurship book that is right now completed and ready to fly is “RAINBOW: LIVING YOUR DREAM.” The Trailer of the Rainbow film is available at www.rainbowstarfilm.com.

Chukwudi Chuck Eke

The Writer

Chuck Eke is a talented scriptwriter, screenwriter, songwriter, poet, and has written numerous published articles and several books. As a script writer, he wrote the initial outline to produce his film titled Rainbow: Living Your Dream. This included the dialogues and the accompanying actions as well as the description of sets, locations, and cities which match the narratives in the film.

Chukwudi, also, provided the foundational information used to produce the film. Particularly, he created and produced the Screenplay, that’s the finalized outline for the Rainbow film project. Chuck carefully developed the structural narratives and supervised the visual directions, making sure that the Crew followed his vision for the Rainbow film. In short, as the Executive Producer of the Rainbow film, he ensured that the production team comprising both the Cast and Crew made use of both the script and the screenplay.

Furthermore, Chuck Eke possesses great skills in Report Writing. His works are often precise, concise, clear, informative, and relevant to the needs, often going beyond the expectations of his clients and end users. Chuck enjoys teamwork and therefore assembles professionals who partner with him to give his clients the best products available, often exceeding their expectations. Each of his Technical Reports, including proposal writing, ongoing project review, program design, etc, is tailor-made to fit the needs of his clients.

Chuck has done report writing for corporate bodies, government agencies, non-government organizations, and private individuals. In each of his report production, he ensures the needs of the primary end users are his foremost priority.

Hence, his reports are adapted to the needs of not just his immediate clients but mainly their audience for whose ultimate purpose, the reports are produced. Hence, his technical reports are very user-friendly, IT enabled, and excellently organized for the convenience of the users. The reports are also research-driven with very relevant graphic illustrations and diagrams, ensuring that his clients and their end users get more than enough value for the costs of producing such reports delivered within the timeframe agreed.

Chukwudi Chuck Eke

The Publisher

Chukwudi Eke is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Word Bank Magazine and Wings of the Word Network. The two publications are both online and produced in printable format. Equally, there are audios of his works which are reproduced, based on demand when his fans, clients, subscribers, and followers place confirmed orders to ship out to them.

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